Law of Delegation Magnified By Social — RSVP Selling


Law of Delegation Magnified By Social

We are delegated down to people we sound like. This is an immutable law of selling and if we are to engage at the highest levels we must talk the language of leaders and business owners: Financial outcomes and managing risk; then underpinned by numbers, percentages and metrics for key result areas (KRAs). But B2B sellers in today’s are often delegated or blocked before they can even utter a single word to their prospect. This is because most buyers research, just as sellers do, before deciding to engage.

Imagine you’ve reached-out to a senior executive, you’ve got your value insight all ready to go… rehearsed, punchy, compelling. You call and reach the Executive Assistant or voicemail. What happens when your potential customer or their gatekeeper checks you out on LinkedIn? Hmm… salesperson. All quiet on the eastern front or if you do get a response: “She doesn’t have time to meet you but you can contact Seymour in the basement who will be happy to evaluate whatever it is you're trying to sell us.” The problem gets worse if you approach prospects through social, even using ‘warm introductions’ from your LinkedIn network. Click, click… salesperson, no thanks.

Websites can present attractive facades but LinkedIn creates transparency. Forget trying to project a persona because LinkedIn and social platforms create transparency at every level. You’re selling naked, not just in your network but in your ability to deliver insights and business value. You must be the real deal. You must be the person worthy of the success you seek… no gimmicks, no pretending, no shortcuts. How will you build your personal brand through what Koka Sexton calls Social Proximity? How will you become a thought leader? What is your publishing strategy?

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Main Image Post by Flickr: JD Hancock